
The St Thomas More School community is serviced by a modern, spacious and well equipped Library and Resource Centre that supports the following:

  • Student library

  • Teacher resource department 

  • Classroom equipment

  • Student learning and quiet reading areas.

The STM Student library is open daily between 8.30 am-3.00 pm, and provides access to a broad collection of general fiction and non-fiction texts over a vast range of reading abilities and interests, senior student’s loans section, games and reference materials. ​During lunch hours, comfortable bean chairs provide students with quiet areas to enjoy the Library's resources.

Students, under the direction of their class teacher and Library staff, access the library weekly (at least) for borrowing. Borrowing can occur, however, as often as the students want or need. All students are required to make use of a library bag when accessing, borrowing and returning loaned items.

The Teacher resource department is open between 7.30 am and 4.30 pm daily and contains an impressive collection of teacher reference material, learning aids, audio-visual and software resources and classroom teaching aids.

The STM Library plays an important part in the delivery of Extra Curricula Activities to our students.  Each year, students are provided with the opportunity to participate in:

  • Australian Book Council "Book Week" Celebrations

  • Intra-school Reader's Cup Competitions

  • Inter-school Reader's Cup Competitions

  • Literature Circles

  • Writer's Competitions

  • "Voices on the Coast" Writers Workshops

  • Annual Book Fair

Resource Management The STM Library and Resource Centre makes use of the latest technologies to assist in the management and distribution of our resources, utilizing the “Oliver” operating system.

​Parent Helpers are always welcome at the STM Library. Please visit at any time.