Assessment and Reporting


Both formative and summative assessment play a key role in gathering and using data at STM. Assessment is an integral part of the learning cycle as it indicates if the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are being achieved. Data plays a key role in teachers’ planning and being responsive to the needs of the student. The evidence gathered through a range of tasks and learning experiences is also. used to assess students against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard for their corresponding Year or Stage.


As required by the Australian Government, formal reporting occurs twice a year. This occurs at the end of Semester 1 (Terms 1 and 2) and Semester 2 (Terms 3 and 4). Saint Thomas More uses the following 5-Point scale to indicate student performance against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards:

  • Well Above
  • Above
  • Expected
  • Below
  • Well Below

​Student effort is reported on using the following terms:

  • Consistently
  • Generally
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

Also as required, information would be made available on request by parents to compare their child’s achievement in the learning areas studied, with that of other children in the same year cohort within the school. This information would show the percentage of students at each of the achievement level for each Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Formal Parent-Teacher interviews are made available, however both teachers and parents are encouraged to schedule interviews as required or requested.