Tuckshop and Marist Café


The school Tuckshop operates onsite from Monday – Friday, with both lunch and afternoon tea options available for students. A wide range of healthy food and drink options are available for purchase, with daily special options.

Parent helpers are an important part of the success of the tuckshop and provide much needed support to the Tuckshop staff.

Orders need to be placed on the QKr app prior to 8.15am on the day the tuckshop is required.

Marist Café​

The Marist Café is an important centre for hospitality and welcome at STM. The café operates from 8 am – 11.30am each day, providing high quality coffee and a place for parents and caregivers to gather.

Breakfast club program

The St Thomas More Breakfast club program operates before school each Tuesday morning, providing breakfast foods to students who wish to participate. This program supports the mission of our school in ensuring that all students can access breakfast foods as part of a shared program. This program is available with thanks to the generous support of and donations from Oz Harvest, Sunrise Bakery and Baker’s Delight, Noosa Heads.